

Enthymeme: Aristotle on the logic of persuasion / M.F. Burnyeat
Rhétorique et dialectique, Rhétorique et Topiques / Jacques Brunschwig
Some observations on the introduction to Aristotle's Rhetoric / Eckart Schütrumpf
Aristotle and the legitimacy of rhetoric / Jürgen Sprute
Arguments in context: Aristotle's defense of rhetoric / Mary Margaret McCabe
The uses of Endoxa: philosophy and rhetoric in the Rhetoric / Glenn W. Most
Ethical-political theory in Aristotle's Rhetoric / John M. Cooper
Popular morality, philosophical ethics, and the Rhetoric / Stephen Halliwell
L'Orateur politique face à ses contraintes / Jean-Louis Labarrière
Pity and fear in the Rhetoric and the Poetics / Alexander Nehamas
Substitution et connaissance: une interprétation unitaire (ou presque) de la théorie aristotélicienne de la métaphore / André Laks.

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