

The Ottoman 'Ulemā and Westernization in the time of Selīm III and Mahmūd II / Uriel Heyd
Turkish attitudes concerning Christian-Muslim equality in the nineteenth century / Roderic H. Davison
Ottoman reform and the politics of notables / Albert Hourani
Egypt and Europe : from French expedition to British occupation / Roger Owen
War and society under the Young Turks, 1908-18 / Feroz Ahmad
Social change in Persia in the nineteenth century / Ann K.S. Lambton
Middle East economic development, 1815-1914 : the general and the specific / Charles Issawi
The origins of private ownership of land in Egypt : a reappraisal / Kenneth M. Cuno
Decline of the family economy in mid-nineteenth-century Egypt / Judith Tucker
Ottoman women, households, and textile manufacturing, 1800-1914 / Donald Quataert
Said Bey : the everyday life of an Istanbul townsman at the beginning of the twentieth century / Paul Dumont
The crowd in the Persian revolution / Ervand Abrahamian
Cairo / André Raymond
Religion and secularism in Turkey / Şerif Mardin
From Ottomanism to Arabism : the origin of an ideology / C. Ernest Dawn
1919 : labor upsurge and national revolution / Joel Beinin, Zachary Lockman
Syrian urban politics in transition : the quarters of Damascus during the French Mandate / Philip S. Khoury
The role of the Palestinian peasantry in the Great Revolt (1936-1939) / Ted Swedenburg
Of the diversity of Iraqis, the incohesiveness of their society, and their progress in the Monarchic Period toward a consolidated political structure / Hanna Batatu
Consequences of the Suez Crisis in the Arab world / Rashid Khalidi
Arab military in politics : from revolutionary plot to authoritarian state / Elizabeth Picard
Political power and the Saudi state / Ghassan Salamé
Iranian revolutions in comparative perspective / Nikki R. Keddie
The religious right / Binnaz Toprak
Dilemmas of the Jewish state / David McDowall
Hazards of modernity and morality : women, state and ideology in contemporary Iran / Afsaneh Najmabadi.

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