

The North American Free Trade Agreement as negotiated : a U.S. perspective / Sidney Weintraub
The NAFTA agreement : a Canadian perspective / Leonard Waverman
The North American Free Trade Agreement from a Mexican perspective / Rogelio Ramirez De la O
NAFTA and the trade in automotive goods / Jon R. Johnson
NAFTA : the textile and apparel sector / Eric Barry and Elizabeth Siwicki
Toward a more open agriculture in North America / Thomas Grennes
The financial sector in NAFTA : two plus one equals restructuring / John F. Chant
NAFTA and energy : a bridge not far enough? / G.C. Watkins
NAFTA rules of origin and automotive content requirements / Peter Morici
Dispute settlement in NAFTA and the FTA / Gilbert R. Winham
The investment provisions of NAFTA / Alan M. Rugman and Michael Gestrin
Trade liberalization and the environment / Steven Globerman.

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