Table of Contents
What is humanistic criticism? / M.H. Abrams
The End of the poststructuralist era / Frederick Crews
The Current polarization of literary studies / Richard Levin
Time and the intelligentsia: a patchwork in nine parts, with loopholes / Gary Saul Morson
The Agony of feminism: why feminist theory is necessary after all / Nina Baym
Confessions of a reluctant critic; or, the resistance to literature / Ihab Hassan
Deconstruction after the fall / David Lehman
The Poetic fallacy / Paisley Livingston
Literary theory and its discontents / John R. Searle.
The End of the poststructuralist era / Frederick Crews
The Current polarization of literary studies / Richard Levin
Time and the intelligentsia: a patchwork in nine parts, with loopholes / Gary Saul Morson
The Agony of feminism: why feminist theory is necessary after all / Nina Baym
Confessions of a reluctant critic; or, the resistance to literature / Ihab Hassan
Deconstruction after the fall / David Lehman
The Poetic fallacy / Paisley Livingston
Literary theory and its discontents / John R. Searle.