

Mark Twain : a biography
The first continental American literature / Bernard De Voto
Lessons in extravagance at the Comstock Lode / Warren Hinckle and Fredric Hobbs
An interpreter of American character / Charles Miner Thompson
Mark Twain as prospective classic / Theodore de Laguna
A call to authorship / Joseph Twichell
Pure American English / Brander Matthews
A serious humorist / Simeon Strunsky
An unfulfilled genius / Van Wyck Brooks
Who owns the uncrowned king? / Upton Sinclair
The great critical controversy / Philip S. Foner
Twain's inescapable disillusionment / Owen Wister
Using the vernacular for humor / Henry Nash Smith
Mark Twain, H. L. Mencken, and "the higher goofyism" / C. Merton Babcock
Twain's twinning / Susan Gillman
A short summary of some of Twain's sources / Edward Wagenknecht
A turning point in American literature / Gerald Parshall - Three coherent elements in Huckleberry Finn / Henry Nash Smith
The river controls Huckleberry Finn / T. S. Eliot
Huckleberry Finn and censorship / Lance Morrow
A classic of American reform literature / Charles L. Sanford
Clemens, Twain, and Morgan are not the same man / Lewis A. Lawson
The power of the mysterious in A Connecticut Yankee / Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Camelot's castle in Connecticut / Hamlin Hill
The absurdity of man-made differentials / Langston Hughes.

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