

Comedy, satire, or farce? or the generic difficulties of Restoration dramatic satire / Deborah Payne
The semiotics of Restoration satire / Rose Zimbardo
Ideology, sex, and satire : the case of Thomas Shadwell / Jean Marsden
The monster libell : power, politics, and the press in Thomas Otway's The poet's complaint of his muse / Jessica Munns
Satiric embodiments : Butler, Swift, Sterne / Richard Braverman
The mechanics of transport : sublimity and the imagery of abjection in Rochester, Swift, and Burke / Allen Dunn
Credit exhausted : satire and scarcity in the 1690s / Robert Markley
Angry beauties : (wo)Manley satire and the stage / Melinda Alliker Rabb
The persona as pretender and the reader as constitutional subject in Swift's tale / Brian Connery
Pharmakon, pharmakos, and aporetic structure in Gulliver's Voyage to . . . the houyhnhnms / James Gill
Mary Davys's satiric novel Familiar letters : refusing patriarchal inscription of women / Lindy Riley
Event as text, text as event : reading The rape of the lock / David Wheeler
Mocking the heroic? a context for The rape of the lock / Nigel Wood
Augustan semiosis / Charles Hinnant
Pope and his dunciad adversaries : skirmishes on the borders of gentility / Claudia Thomas
The invention of the countryside : Pope, the idiocy of rural life, and the intellectual view from the suburbs / Donna Landry
The critique of capitalism and the retreat into art in Gay's Beggar's opera and Fielding's Author's farce / J. Douglas Canfield
Blocked observation : tautology and paradox in the Vanity of human wishes / Jonathan Lamb
Satire and the bourgeois subject in Frances Burney's Evelina / John Zomchick
Goring John Bull : Maria Edgeworth's hibernian high jinks versus the imperialist imaginary / Mitzi Myers
Elizabeth Hamilton's modern philosophers and the uncertainties of satire / Janice Thaddeus.

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