

The days that are no more / Kate Stone
Holbein's ghost / Sarah Rice Pryor
The view from the Mills House / Mary Boykin Chesnut
Pistols in the churchyard / Catherine Cooper Hopley
In prison for my country / Rose O'Neal Greenhow
A cold way home / Lucy Nickolson Lindsay
The sleep of the living / Phoebe Yates Pember
We run for our lives / Sarah Morgan
The pain of remembering / Cornelia Peake McDonald
An invasion of graybacks / Julia Morgan
Fleeing from our servants / Kate Stone
Returning to brother / Sarah Morgan
My yard is a battlefield / Cornelia Peake McDonald
Guidance for Stonewall / Belle Boyd
A spy in woman's clothing / Loréta Janéta Velazquez
What modesty requires / Kate Cumming
The soldiers stare with open eyes / Mary Boykin Chesnut
A meeting at sea / Belle Boyd
A cap for Mrs. Worthey / Céline Frémaux
A funeral in the rain / Phoebe Yates Pember
Searching for cartridge boxes / Céline Frémaux
Alone on the road with Yankee / Mary A.H. Gay
Thirty thousand dollars poorer / Dolly Lunt Burge
A birth in the ruins / Mary Jones and Mary Mallard
Lucifer in starlight / Emma LeConte
Hetty Cary's wedding / Constance Cary Harrison
Food for the wounded / Phoebe Yates Pember
A garland for Mrs. Stuart / Mrs. Alexander H. Major
The end of all we cherished / Judith Brokenbrough McGuire
Remembering God's promises / Cornelia Peake McDonald
The last march home / Eliza Andrews.

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