

The Nineteenth century : Hawthorne : Hawthorne in solitude ; The Hawthornes in paradise ; The five acts of the Scarlet letter ; A case for Blithedale ; Mystery at the Old Manse
The external Emerson
Melville among his champions
Whitman : The poet and the mask (excerpts) ; The buried masterpiece (excerpts)
The real Horatio Alger story
The two Henry Jameses
The Twentieth century : Robert Frost: a dissenting opinion
Edwin Arlington Robinson : defeat and triumph
Eugene O'Neill in Connecticut
Hart Crane in search of a home : a memoir
Van Wyck Brook's "Usable past"
Two views of George Santayana : At Harvard ; In society
E.E. Cummings : One man alone ; A farewell to the last Harvard "Dandy"
S. Foster Damon : the New England voice
Conrad Aiken : From Savannah to Emerson
J.P. Marquand : anthropologist of the Boston story
Thornton Wilder : time abolished
John Cheever : the novelist's life as a dream
New England Life : Essays and Reflections : Connecticut Valley
Town report
Along the Housatonic
Election night in Sherman
Is there still hope for farming in New England?
A letter on growing melons
A handful of poems : Boy in sunlight ; The living water ; Natural history ; From where the forest stood ; The urn ; The long voyage
A conservation between father and son on New England life (with Robert Cowley).

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