

Where history continues : conflict resolution in the Third World / W. Scott Thompson
Weak democracy and the prospect for peace and prosperity in the Third World / Robert L. Rothstein
Third World minorities at risk since 1945 / Ted Robert Gurr
Environment, development, and international assistance : crucial linkages / Nazli Choucri
Regional security, arms control, and the end of the cold war / Geoffrey Kemp
Kennst du das land? / Dennis Austin
Religion and peace : an argument complexified / George Weigel
Conflict resolution in the Third World : the role of superpowers / Chester A. Crocker
Collective security after the cold war / Joseph P. Lorenz
Mediation : the role of third-party diplomacy and informal peacemaking / I. William Zartman and Saadia Touval
Alternative U.S. policy approaches to Third World conflicts / Conference Panelists.

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