TY - BOOK CN - HE 20.6520: CY - Rockville, Md. : CY - Washington, DC : DA - 1996. ET - 1996 update. ID - 184200 KW - Urinary incontinence. N1 - Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. N1 - Shipping list no.: 96-0566-M. N1 - "March 1996." N1 - Includes index. PB - U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research ; PB - For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., PP - Rockville, Md. : PP - Washington, DC : PY - 1996. T1 - Urinary incontinence in adultsacute and chronic management / TI - Urinary incontinence in adultsacute and chronic management / VL - no. 96-0682 ER -