

I hear America singing / Walt Whitman
I, too / Langston Hughes
There are no people song / Navaho
Peregrine White and Virginia Dare / Stephen Vincent Benét and Rosemary Benét
The noise of the village / Chippewa
is the land" / Emily Dickinson
The new colossus / Emma Lazarus
The fields / W.S. Merwin
The melting pot / Dudley Randall
The star-spangled banner / Francis Scott Key
Great God, I ask thee for no meaner pelf / Henry David Thoreau
Song of the sky loom / Pueblo
Shine, perishing republic / Robinson Jeffers
Walk softly / Shaker anthem
Counting-out rhyme / Edna St. Vincent Millay
"In the desert" / Stephen Crane
A clear midnight / Walt Whitman
Paul Revere's ride ; From To the driving cloud / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Song of Sitting Bull / Teton Sioux
Indian names / Lydia Huntley Sigourney
The sunrise call / Pueblo
Cowboy's gettin'-up holler
"I'll tell you how the sun rose
" / Emily Dickinson
The days of forty-nine
The miners came in forty-nine
The buffalo skinners
Buffalo dusk / Carl Sandburg
A handful of gospel love / Shaker song
Battle-hymn of the republic / Julia Ward Howe
No more auction block
Runagate runagate / Robert Hayden
Barbara Frietchie / John Greenleaf Whittier
Taboo to boot / Ogden Nash
I'm a good old rebel
Johnny fill up the bowl
Shiloh, a requiem (April 1862) / Herman Melville
A twilight song / Walt Whitman
Jesse James
The hill ; Fiddler Jones ; Dillard Sissman / Edgar Lee Masters
Prairie fires / Hamlin Garland
What's the railroad / Henry David Thoreau
"I like to see it lap the miles" / Emily Dickinson
The line-gang / Robert Frost
Casey Jones
American names / Stephen Vincent Benét
Language for America ; Broadway / Walt Whitman
Don't let them chip away at our language / Kitty Tsui
A supermarket in California / Allen Ginsberg
A pact ; N.Y. / Ezra Pound
Upper Broadway / Adrienne Rich
Chicago / Carl Sandburg
Slim in hell / Sterling A. Brown
"And this is good old Boston"
The Boston Evening Transcript / T.S. Eliot
Meeting-house hill / Amy Lowell
Wild peaches / Elinor Wylie
The New-England boy's song about Thanksgiving Day / Lydia Maria Child
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies / Edna St. Vincent Millay
Ploughing on Sunday / Wallace Stevens
Grandfather / Michael S. Harper
Manners / Elizabeth Bishop
Richard Cory / Edwin Arlington Robinson
Childhood / Margaret Walker
Pastoral / William Carlos Williams
Shimmer / James Schuyler
Belle Isle, 1949 / Philip Levine
A walk / Gary Snyder
The lake / Edgar Allan Poe
"The crickets sang" / Emily Dickinson
Sunset song / Pueblo
"Hesh, little baby, don't say a word"
John Henry
Sadie and Maud ; of De Witt Williams on his way to Lincoln Cemetery / Gwendolyn Brooks
The true-blue American / Delmore Schwartz
The emperor of ice-cream / Wallace Stevens
Dirge / Kenneth Fearing
Pastures of plenty ; This land is your land / Woody Guthrie
"next to of course god america i" / e.e. cummings
An inconvenience / John Raven
A true account of talking to the sun at Fire Island / Frank O'Hara
Autobiography / Lawrence Ferlinghetti
The new apartment, Minneapolis / Linda Hogan
Earth always endures / Mandan
Ithaca / Katharyn Howd Machan
At cove on the crooked river / William Stafford
I know a man / Robert Creeley.

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