

The polyphonic progeny of an Et gaudebit: assessing family relations in the thirteenth-century motet / Rebecca A. Baltzer
Beyond glossing: the old made new in Mout me fu grief/Robin m'aime/Portare / Dolores Pesce
Which Vitry? the witness of the Trinity motet from the Roman de Fauvel / Anne Walters Robertson
Polyphony of texts and music in the fourteenth-century motet: Tribum que non abhorruit/Quoniam secta latronum/Merito hec patimur and its "quotations" / Margaret Bent
Du Fay and the cultures of Renaissance Florence / Robert Nosow
For whom the bell tolls: reading and hearing Busnoys's Anthoni usque limina / Rob C. Wegman
Love and death in the fifteenth-century motet: a reading of Busnoys's Anima mea liquefacta est/Stirps Jesse / Paula Higgins
Obrecht as exegete: reading Factor orbis as a Christmas sermon / M. Jennifer Bloxam
Conflicting levels of meaning and understanding in Josquin's O admirabile commercium motet cycle / Richard Sherr
Josquin, Good King René, and O bone et dulcissime Jesu / Patrick Macey
Miracles, motivicity, and mannerism: Adrian Willaert's Videns Dominus flentes sorores Lazari and some aspects of motet composition in the 1520s / Joshua Rifkin
Lasso as historicist: the cantus-firmus motets / James Haar
Tonal compass in the motets of Orlando di Lasso / David Crook
Palestrina as reader: motets from the Song of songs / Jessie Ann Owens
On William Byrd's Emendemus in melius / Joseph Kerman
Byrd, the Catholics, and the motet: the hearing reopened / Craig Monson.

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