

Gretchen, girl, Garçonne? Weimar science and popular culture in search of the ideal new woman / Lynne Frame
Perceptions of difference : woman as spectator and spectacle / Patrice Petro
Female flanerie and the Symphony of the city / Anke Gleber
The conspiracy of women : images of city life in the work of Jeanne Mammen / Annelie Lütgens
The misogynist machine : images of technology in the work of Hannah Höch / Maria Makela
Metropolis and the technosexual woman of German modernity / Janet Lungstrum
Femininity, the primitive, and modern urban space : Josephine Baker in Berlin / Nancy Nenno
Gendered urban spaces in Irmgard Keun's Das kunstseidene Mädchen / Katharina von Ankum
In the mirror of fashion / Sabine Hake
Lustmord : inside the windows of the metropolis / Beth Irwin Lewis.

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