

Introduction : What modernism is and what it probably isn't
The century ends in Vienna : modernism's time lost, 1899
Georg Cantor, Richard Dedekind, and Gottlob Frege : what is a number, 1872-1883
Ludwig Boltzmann : statistical gases, entropy, and the direction of time, 1872-1877
Georges Seurat : divisionism, cloisonnism, and chronophotography, 1885
Whitman, Rimbaud, and Jules Laforgue : poems without meter, 1886
Santiago Ramón y Cajal : the atoms of brain, 1889
Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau : inventing the concentration camp, 1896
Sigmund Freud : time repressed and ever-present, 1899
The century begins in Paris : modernism on the verge, 1900
Hugo de Vries and Max Planck : the gene and the quantum, 1900
Bertrand Russell and Edmund Husserl : phenomenology, number, and the fall of logic, 1901
Edwin S. Porter : parts at sixteen per second, 1903
Meet me in Saint Louis : modernism comes to middle America, 1904
Albert Einstein : the space-time interval and the quantum of light, 1905
Pablo Picasso : seeing all sides, 1906-1907
August Strindberg : staging a broken dream, 1907
Arnold Schoenberg : music in no key, 1908
James Joyce : the novel goes to pieces, 1909-1910
Vassily Kandinsky : art with no object, 1911-1912
Annus mirabilis : Vienna, Paris, and St. Petersburg, 1913
Discontinuous epilogues : Heisenberg and Bohr, Gödel and Turing, Merce Cunningham and Michel Foucault.

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