

ch. 1. Ritalin ascendant: a doctor's dilemma
ch. 2. Stimulant of choice: the myths and reality of ritalin
ch. 3. Attention deficit disorder: in the eye of the beholder
ch. 4. Coping with a "living imbalance": ADD-ogenic forces in families, schools, and society
ch. 5. Blaming Johnny's brain: the power of the biological paradigm
ch. 6. Welcome to ritalin nation: an ADD culture arises
ch. 7. Making accommodations: ADD in an age of victims' rights and managed care
ch. 8. Politically correct parenting trap: how coping with difficult kids gets harder
ch. 9. Evaluating for ADD: the child in his world
ch. 10. Addressing the imbalance: non-drug treatments for ADD
ch. 11. Ritalin beyond childhood: teenagers, adults, and ADD
ch. 13. Performance in a pill: what ritalin says about us.

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