

Introduction / Simon
Human mortality throughout history and prehistory / Preston
The decline of childhood mortality / Hill
Disease and health through the ages / Haines
The contribution of improved nutrition to the decline of mortality rates in Europe and America / Fogel
Trends in health of the US population: 1957-89 / Crimmins & Ingegneri
Mortality and health in the former Soviet Union / Feshbach
Worldwide historical trends in murder and suicide / Chesnais
The history of accident rates in the United States / Holen
World trends in smoking / Brandt
Long-term trends in the consumption of alcoholic beverages / Roberts
Trends in the agricultural labor force / Sullivan

The standard of living through the ages / Burnette & Mokyr
Long-term trends in the US standard of living / Lebergott
Long-term trends in productivity / Atack
The extent of slavery and freedom throughout the ages, in the world as a whole and in major subareas / Engerman
Black Americans: income and standard of living from the days of slavery to the present / Higgs & Margo
The long-term course of American inequality: 1647-1969 / Lindert & Williamson
Trends in unemployment in the United States / Keyssar
Trends in costs and quality of housing / Muth
Trends in the quantities of education-USA and elsewhere / Simon & Boggs
Trends in free time / Robinson
Trends in poverty in the United States / Blank
How "poor" are America's poor? / Rector

Homelessness in America / Filer
The recent US economy / Reynolds
Long-term trends in energy prices / Hausman
Trends in the price and supply of oil / Adelman
The costs of nuclear power / Cohen
Trends in availability of non-fuel minerals / Myers, Moore & Simon
Trends in nonrenewable resources / Goeller
Trends in availability and usage of outdoor recreation / Nelson
Global forests revisited / Sedjo & Clawson
Species loss revisited / Simon & Wildavsky

Agricultural productivity before the green revolution / Grantham
The world's rising food productivity / Avery
Recent trends in food availability and nutritional well-being / Poleman
Trends in grain stocks / Hudson
Trends in food from the sea / Wise
Trends in soil erosion and farmland quality / Gardner & Schulz
Water, water everywhere but not a drop to sell / Anderson
Trends in land use in the United States / Frey
Long-run trends in environmental quality / Baumol & Oates
Atmospheric pollution trends in the United Kingdom / Elsom
Trends in air pollution in the United States / Ellsaesser
Comparative trends in resource use and pollution in market and socialist economies / Bernstam

Acid rain / Kulp
Stratospheric ozone: science and policy / Singer
The greenhouse effect and global change: review and reappraisal / Michaels
Greenhouse scenarios to inform decision makers / Lave
The hazards of nuclear power / Cohen
Pesticides, cancer, and misconceptions / Ames
The carcinogen or toxin of the week phenomenon: the facts behind the scares / Whelan
American public opinion: environment and energy / Lunch & Rothman
Public opinion about, and media coverage of, population growth / Simon
Risk within reason / Zeckhauser & Viscusi

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