

Ludwig Wittgenstein : life and work an introduction / Hans Sluga
Wittgenstein's critique of philosophy / Robert J. Fogelin
Pictures, logic, and the limits of sense in Wittgenstein's Tractatus / Thomas Ricketts
Fitting versus tracking : Wittgenstein on representation / Donna M. Summerfield
Philosophy as grammar / Newton Garver
A philosophy of mathematics between two camps / Steve Gerrard
Necessity and normativity / Hans-Johann Glock
Wittgenstein, mathematics, and ethics : resisting the attractions of realism / Cora Diamond
Notes and afterthoughts on the opening of Wittgenstein's Investigations / Stanley Cavell
Mind, meaning, and practice / Barry Stroud
"Whose house is that?" Wittgenstein on the self / Hans Sluga
The question of linguistic idealism revisited / David Bloor
Forms of life : mapping the rough ground / Naomi Scheman
Certainties of a world-picture : the epistemological investigations of On Certainty / Michael Kober
The availability of Wittgenstein's philosophy / David G. Stern.

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