

Rhetoric / Stanley Fish
Contingency of language / Richard Rorty
Short history of rhetoric / Terry Eagleton
Language obscures social change / Melanie Eckford-Prossor and Michael Clifford
Decentered subject of feminism: postfeminism and Thelma and Louise / Linda Frost
Habermas's rational-critical sphere and the problem of criteria / Patricia Roberts
Foundational thuggery and a rhetoric of subsumption / Frank Farmer
Hymes, Rorty, and the social-rhetorical construction of meaning / Robert E. Smith III
"Too little care": language, politics, and embodiment in the life-world / Kurt Spellmeyer
History and the real / Richard R. Glejzer
Royal road: Marxism and the philosophy of science / Michael Sprinket
Beyond antifoundationalism to rhetorical authority: problems defining "cultural literacy" / Patricia Bizzell
Composition studies and cultural studies: collapsing boundaries / James A. Berlin
What we need to know about writing and reading, or Peter Elbow and antifoundationalism / Ellen Gardiner
Teaching as a test of knowledge: passion, desire, and the semblance of truth in teaching / David Metzger
Composition in an antifoundational world: a critique and a proposal / Michael Bernard-Donals.

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