

Pioneering the education of young women : autobiography / Emma Hart Willard
Teaching in the little red schoolhouse : a sketch / Lucia B. Downing
Remedy for wrongs to women : address / Catherine Beecher
Photo feature : the teacher "becomes" a woman
"Civilizing" the West : letters from teachers on the frontier
Preparing to teach : a normal school journal / Mary Swift
The schoolmarm : a short story / Anna Fuller
Missionary maidens : a sketch / Mary Clemmer Ames
In spite of threats : selected letters on setting up new schools
From northern home to southern dangers : autobiography / Maria S. Waterbury
Photo feature : Missus come fur larn we!
Sisters in the service : correspondence / Sarah Chase, Lucy Chase, and Julia Rutledge.

Hard work every day : a New England woman's diary in Dixie / Mary Ames
A black teacher goes South : journal and essay / Charlotte L. Forten
Photo feature : sisterhood of service
Emancipations's primer : the Freedmen's book / Lydia Maria Child
New rules for black and white : autobiography / Elizabeth Hyde Botume.

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