

Creating an American common school and a common faith: Horace Mann and the Protestant public schools, 1789-1860
Roman Catholics and the common school movement, 1801-1892
Literacy in the African American community: church and school in slave and free communities, 1802-1902
Native American religion, Christian missionaries, and government schools, 1819-1926
Protestant, Catholic, Jew: immigration and nativism from the Blaine Amendment to the Scopes Trial, 1875-1925
Prayer, bible reading, and federal money: the expanding role of Congress and the Supreme Court, 1925-1968
Culture wars, creationism, and the Reagan revolution, 1968-1990
Changing school boards, curriculum, and the Constitution, 1990-
Prayers, vouchers, and creationism: the battle for the schools of the Twenty-First century.

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