

Chinese Buddhism in America: identity and practice / Stuart Chandler
Shin Buddhism in America: a social perspective / Alfred Bloom
Japanese Zen in America: Americanizing the face in the mirror / G. Victor Sogen Hori
Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai in America: the pioneer spirit / Jane Hurst
Tibetan Buddhism in America: the development of American Vajrayana / Amy Lavine
Korean Buddhism in America: a new style of Zen / Mu Soeng
Vietnamese Buddhism in North America: tradition and acculturation / Cuong Tu Nguyen and A.W. Barber
Theravada Buddhism in America: prospects for the Sangha / Paul David Numrich
Insight meditation in the United States: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness / Gil Fronsdal
Who is a Buddhist? Charting the landscape of Buddhist America / Jan Nattier
Divided dharma: white Buddhists, ethnic Buddhists, and racism / Rick Fields
Americanizing the Buddha: Paul Carus and the transformation of Asian thought / Martin J. Verhoeven
Buddhist and Western psychotherapies: an Asian American perspective / Ryo Imamura
Helping the iron bird fly: Western Buddhist women and issues of authority in the late 1990s / Rita M. Gross
Coming out in the Sangha: queer community in American Buddhism / Roger Corless
Responding to the cries of the world: socially engaged Buddhism in North America / Donald Rothberg
Colors and contours of American Buddhism / Kenneth K. Tanaka.

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