

Female "circumcision" in Africa: dimensions of the practice and debates / Bettina Shell-Duncan and Ylva Hernlund
Is female "circumcision" a maladaptive cultural pattern? / Ellen Gruenbaum
To marry and bear children? the demographic consequences of infibulation in Sudan / Deborah Balk
Female "circumcision" among the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria: the beginning of change / I.O. Orubuloye, Pat Caldwell, and John C. Caldwell
Female genital cutting in Nigeria: views of Nigerian doctors on the medicalization debate / Mairo Usman Mandara
Women without choices: the debate over medicalization of female genital cutting and its impact on a northern Kenyan community / Bettina Shell-Duncan, Walter Obungu Obiero, and Leunita Auko Muruli
"Ngaitana (I will circumcise myself)": lessons from colonial campaigns to ban excision in Meru, Kenya / Lynn Thomas
Revisiting feminist discourses on infibulation: responses from Sudanese feminists / Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf
Adopting female "circumcision" in southern Chad: the experience of Myabé / Lori Leonard
Handing over the knife: Numu women and the campaign against excision in Mali / Claudie Gosselin
Becoming a Muslim, becoming a person: female "circumcision," religious identity, and personhood in Guinea-Bissau / Michelle C. Johnson
Cutting without ritual and ritual without cutting: female "circumcision" and the re-ritualization of initiation in the Gambia / Ylva Hernlund
Female genital cutting: the beginning of the end / Gerry Mackie
Rites and wrongs: and insider/outsider reflects on power and excision / Fuambai Ahmadu.

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