

The gender frame of reference for patient education : Background ; Social policy ; Scientific thought and research ; The press as educator ; Revised patient education for women
Cardiovascular education : Patterns of difference ; Hypertension ; Mitral valve prolapse ; Prevention of cardiovascular disease ; Implications for patient-education programs ; Summary
Gynecologic, genitourinary, and reproductive patient education : Menarche and menstruation ; Reproduction ; Menopause ; Urinary incontinence ; Summary
Motherhood as learning : Prenatal care and testing ; Preterm labor symptoms ; Other elements of prenatal education ; Postpartum education ; Parenting of infants and children ; Measurement instruments ; Summary
Cancer patient education : Minority women and cancer ; Older and poorer women ; Breast and cervical cancer ; Seeking care ; High-risk women ; Teaching tools and approaches ; Measurement instruments ; Health policy ; Summary
AIDS and sexually transmitted disease education : HIV and AIDS education among various groups of women ; Education of STDs in women ; Measurement instruments ; Summary
Other disorders and health needs : Diabetes ; Arthritis ; Pain ; Depression and anger ; Gender as a risk factor for adverse events with medications ; Epilepsy ; Asthma ; Eating disorders ; Caregiving ; Summary
Patient education for women: summary : Ethical issues ; Learning styles, educational approaches, and effects ; Goals of patient education for women ; Summary of themes in this book.

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