

Breastfeeding in modern medicine
Anatomy of the human breast
Physiology of lactation
Biochemistry of human milk
Host-resistance factors and immunologic significance of human milk
Psychologic impact of breastfeeding
Making an informed decision about infant feeding
Management of the mother-infant nursing couple
Diet and dietary supplements for the mother and infant
Drugs in breast milk
Normal growth, failure to thrive, and obesity in the breastfed infant

Maternal employment
Breastfeeding the infant with a problem
Medical complications of the mother
Transmission of infectious diseases through breast milk and breastfeeding
Human milk as a prophylaxis in allergy
Induced lactation and relactation (including nursing the adopted baby) and cross-nursing
Reproductive function during lactation
The collection and storage of human milk and human milk banking
Breastfeeding support groups and community resources
Educating and training the medical professional

Appendices: Composition of human milk
Dietary guidance during lactation
Normal serum values for breastfed infants
Drugs in breast milk and the effect on the infant
Precautions and breastfeeding recommendations for selected maternal infections
The Lact-Aid nursing trainer system
Manual expression of breast milk
The storage of human milk
Vitamin and mineral supplement needs in normal children in the United States
Measurements of growth of breastfed infants
Organizations interested in supporting and providing materials for breastfeeding
Legislation regarding human milk
Resources for education and training.

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