

v. 1. The Afghan Taliban: emerging government or civil rights tragedy?
(Amazon) deforestation of the Amazon: economics and biodiversity
Bosnia-Herzegovina: civil war
Brazil: racism and equality
Chechnya and Russia: a war of succession
The Chiapas Rebellion: indigenous people's rights in Mexico
Colombian drug wars: guerrillas, paramilitary groups, and the government
(Congo-Kinshasa) The Democratic Republic of Congo: the African world war
Cuba and the United States: revolution, nationalism, and enemies next door
Ethiopia and Eritrea: border war
The Gaza Strip and West Bank: statehood and security
German right wing extremism: anti-foreigner violence in the country of the Holocaust
Humanitarian aid: compassion and controversy
Iraq: economic sanctions
Kashmir: war in the Himalayas
The Kurds in Turkey: the capture of Ocalan
Liberia in civil war: haven for freed slaves reduced to anarchy
Nagorno-Karabakh: self-determination and ethnic identification
Oil: protectionist pricing and fuel dependence
(Pinochet) the extradition of Chilean General Augusto Pinochet: justice delayed?
Roma in Eastern Europe: the wall in the Czech Republic
Rwanda and Burundi: culture, history, power, and genocide
Serbia and NATO: the 1999 war
The Soviet Union: collapse of the USSR and formation of independent republics
Sudan: slavery and civil war
Syria and Israel: negotiations for peace
Taiwan and China: unification and nationalism
U.S. militant separatist movements: rreedom fighters or terrorists?
Venezuela: new military populism
The World Trade Organization: the battle in Seattle
v. 2. Algeria's post-colonial civil war
Angola: civil war and diamonds
Austria's shunning by the global community
The Basques: the ETA and separatism
China and religious protest: the Falun Gong
China and the World Trade Organization: values in conflict
The Colombian U'wa Indians: sacred land and oil
Cyprus: an island divided
East Timor: the path of democracy for the world's newest nation
The Ecuadorian indigenous people's movement: autonomy and the environment
European Union conflict: the British beef controversy
Guatemala: Indian testimony to a genocidal war
The Iranian Revolution: Islamic fundamentalism confronts modern secularism
Jerusalem: divided city
The Korean Peninsula: a fifty-year struggle for peace and reconciliation
Kosovo: ethnic tensions and nationalism
Mexican-U.S. border relations: opportunities and obstacles
Mozambique: independence and a dirty war
Myanmar: the agony of a people
Native Americans: centuries of struggle in North America
Nigeria and Shari'a: religion and politics in a West African nation
Northern Ireland: the Omagh bomb, nationalism, and religion
Peru's Shining Path: revolution's end
Romania's cyanide spill
South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Sri Lanka: civil war and ethno-linguistic conflict
Tibet: struggle for independence
United Nations peacekeeping forces: peace and conflict
U.S. immigration: sanctuary and controversy
Zimbabwe's land reform: race and history
v. 3. (Cambodia) Pol Pot and the prosecution of the Khmer Rouge leadership in Cambodia
(Canada) splitting a nation: Québec separatism in Canada
(Caspian) disputed drilling rights in the Caspian Sea
China's Muslim challenge: conflict in Xinjiang
(Congo-Kinshasa) unrest and assassination in Congo-Kinshasa
The diamond cartel: monopolizing an industry
Economic sanctions: a valuable weapon?
(Ecuador) currency exchange: Ecuador adopts the U.S. dollar
(Europe) opening Europe's secret cold war files
Female circumcision: culture or cruelty?
(Fiji) overthrowing democracy: Fiji's coup
Haiti's rocky road to democracy
Hong Kong: walking the tightrope between capitalism and communism
Indonesia: grappling with unrest in Aceh and Irian Jaya
Israel's assassination of the opposition
(Mexico) electing change in Mexico
Pakistan's coup: new regime or old tradition?
(Parthenon marbles) whose marbles are they? controversy over the Parthenon marbles
(Philippines) rooting out corruption in the Philippines: impeachment of a president
(Russia) free to speak? establishing a free press in Russia
(Somalia) after Somalia's civil war: putting the pieces back together again
South Africa's struggle with AIDS
(Switzerland) retained assets: Swiss banks release previously held funds to Holocaust survivors
(Terrorism) threats of terrorism in the twenty-first century
Turkey's tug of war: straddling the divide between east and west
(Uganda) death Before doomsday: cult members found dead in Uganda
(United Kingdom) new labour and the devolution of power in the United Kingdom
U.S. military presence at world ports: a welcome stay?
(Yugoslavia) a democratic ousting: Yugoslavia elects a new leader
v. 4. (Afghanistan) the Afghan Taliban strikes out
(Andean initiative) the expanded U.S. drug war in Latin America: a downed missionary plane places the spotlight on the Andean initiative
(Australia) hard to say sorry: indigenous Australia's reconciliation movement
(Britain) the Euro versus the pound: Britain and the European single currency
(Child soldiers) reading, writing, and warfare: children in armed conflict
(China) the Sanxia (three gorges) project in China: a crisis in the making?
(China and the United States) the spy plane incident: China-U.S. Relations
Côte d'Ivoire: a cosmopolitan society descends into political chaos and violence
(Espionage) post-cold war espionage between the United States and Russia: how has the mission changed?
India's caste system under attack: the dalit movement
International military tribunals: bringing the world to justice
(Ivory) Africa's ivory trade: fighting for the bearers of "white gold"
Japanese voters seek change as their economy deteriorates: new prime minister vows to break political logjam
(Kyoto Protocol) quitting the Kyoto Protocol: the United States strikes out alone
Libya, Qadhafi, and the African Union
The Lockerbie trial on trial: was justice served?
Macedonia faces division and violence
(National missile defense) defending against the indefensible: creating a national missile defense in the United States
North Korea: the hermit kingdom in the global era
(Population) the missing girls: son preference reshapes the population in India and China
Russia agrees to take the world's nuclear waste: but where to put it?
Sierra Leone: lasting peace or cruel mirage?
(Tobacco control) the World Health Organization takes on the tobacco industry
(Trade protectionism) world trade conflict: has the Third World been cheated?
The United States loses its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Panel
v. 5. Air security and terrorist threats
Biological threats of terrorism
Chemical terrorism threats
Civil rights suspended
Domestic terrorism: Oklahoma City to anthrax and beyond
The European Union's response to 9/11 and its aftermath
the fundamentals
Financing terrorism: money for the cause
(Force) fighting terrorism with force
Homeland security: guarding against terrorism
Hostage taking and terrorism: the human bargaining chip
U.S. intelligence in the twenty-first century
(International rules) forging international rules against terrorism
(Laden) Osama bin Laden
a face of terrorism
Living with terrorism: everyday life and the effects of terror
The media's relationship with terrorism
The Muslim world reacts to September 11
Nuclear terrorism: threats, challenges, and responses
The Olympics confronts terrorism
The PLO and Yasser Arafat
from terrorism to statesmanship to terrorism
Prosecuting terrorism
(Psychology) understanding the 9/11 perpetrators: crazy, lost in hate, or martyred?
Al-Qaeda and the reach of terror
September 11, 2001: the United States is attacked on its own soil
State sponsored terrorism
The United States vs. terror: a new kind of war
v. 6. Africa's small arms trade: an infection of guns and chaos
Argentina: from economic miracle to political meltdown
Australia's illegal migration: an Australian dilemma or worldwide problem?
Bangladesh: the democratic election of 2001
Children exploited: combating the commercial sexual exploitation of children
China and ASEAN agree to free trade area, but why?
The cloning debate: the future is burdened by its past
Cybercrime: is the Internet outside the law?
Enron: how did this happen?
European Union: advancements and delays in European integration
Gibraltar: a thorn in the side of the EU
The International Criminal Court: accountability at last?
Jamaica: gun battles in Kingston
Japan: history and the textbook controversy
Pakistan: partner against terrorism
The Philippines rebellion: freedom fighting, banditry, or terrorism?
Portugal at the forefront: the decriminalization of drugs in Europe
Russia-NATO relations in the post-cold war world: rethinking the future of collective security
South Africa: a slow economy delays some post-apartheid goals
Turkey: women are granted equal rights
a president stands accused: murder and politics
War correspondents today
Water wars: myth or reality?
Women, peace, and security: United Nations resolution 1325
The World Bank and the IMF in developing countries: globalization and the crisis of legitimacy
World Trade Organization: the technical side of globalization
Zionism: a perspective on the Jewish-Israeli experience in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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