

pt. 1. Arab nationalism: cooperation, conflict, and domination. Power, legitimacy, and peace-making in Arab coalitions: the new Arabism / Shibley Telhami ; The assembled state: communal conflicts and governmental control in Iraq / Adeed Dawisha ; Syria: creating a national community / Moshe Maʾoz ; From consociationalism to the public sphere: recent evidence from Lebanon / Michael C. Hudson ; Religious and ethnic conflict in Sudan: can national unity survive? / Gabriel Warburg
pt. 2. Iran, Islam, and the Persian Gulf. Iran's revolutionary politics: nationalism and Islamic identity / David Menashri ; Subordinate communities and the utility of ethnic ties to a neighboring regime: Iran and the Shiʻa of the Arab states of the Gulf / Michael Herb ; Toward a social analysis of Islamist movements / Gilles Kepel
pt. 3. Turkey, the Kurds, and Central Asia. Ethnic and religious strains in Turkey: internal and external implications / Ian O. Lesser ; Turkey's restive Kurds: the challenge of multiethnicity / Graham E. Fuller ; New states and new identities: religion and state building in central Asia / Martha Brill Olcott
pt. 4. Jordan- Palestine- Israel. Al-Muhajirin w-al-Ansar: Hashemite strategies for managing communal identity in Jordan / Laurie A. Brand ; Hamas: strategy and tactics / Muhammad Muslih ; Hegemony and the riddle of nationalism / Ian S. Lustick ; Afterthoughts / Leonard Binder.

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