

What is evidence based dentistry? / Gary R. Goldstein
The question / James D. Anderson
Therapy: anecdote, experience or evidence? / Gary R. Goldstein and Jack D. Preston
The ethics of experimenting in dental practice / David W. Chambers
Conducting a search of the literature / David A. Felton
Evidence based dentistry: design architecture / Catherine Hayes
Bias in dental research can lead to inappropriate treatment selection / Rhonda F. Jacob
Systematic reviews of the literature: the overview and meta-analysis / Alan B. Carr
The use of diagnostic data in clinical dental practice / Carol Oakley and Donald Maxwell Brunette
Assessment of key elements to determine causation and risk factors in dentistry / Rhonda F. Jacob
Users' guide to dental literature: how to use an article about prognosis / Patrick M. Lloyd
Biostatistical consultation for dental research / Jonathan Clive
Applying evidence based dentistry to your patients / James D. Anderson.

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