

ch. 1. Who is this fellow? He is smarter
ch. 2. Noble rage
ch. 3. He will be good : but God knows when
ch. 4. I want in all cases to do right
ch. 5. Was this man a politician?
ch. 6. Rising public man
ch. 7. Another president, another war
ch. 8. Politics and morals
ch. 9. Thunderstruck in Illinois
ch. 10. I shall try to show that it is wrong
ch. 11. Our duty as we understand it
ch. 12. The worthy work of party-building
ch. 13. Not so much greater than the rest of us
ch. 14. Lincoln's defense of our common humanity
ch. 15. Such an impression
ch. 16. The man with the blue umbrella
ch. 17. Let grass grow where it may.

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