

Introduction / James M. McPherson and Alan Brinkley
June 17, 1675 : King Philip's quarell / James Axtell
October 23, 1740 : Whitefield awakens America / John Demos
May 24, 1775 : Silas Deane's diary / Jack N. Rakove
October 19, 1781 : the Battle of Yorktown / Robert Middlekauff
July 16, 1787 : the day the constitution was saved / Gordon S. Wood
June 20, 1790 : Mr. Jefferson's dinner party / Joseph J. Ellis
March 4, 1801 : the second American Revolution / Joyce Appleby
Mid-February 1824 : the way West / William H. Goetzmann
January 1, 1831 : the liberator / Ira Berlin
July 20, 1848 : the Seneca Falls Convention / Christine Stansell
March 6, 1857 : the day of Dred Scott / Sean Wilentz
September 13, 1862 : the lost orders / James M. McPherson
June 13, 1866 : equality before the law / Eric Foner
October 5, 1877 : "I will fight no more forever" / Elliott West
February 24, 1908 : affirming the sexual divison of labor / Alice Kessler-Harris
August 14, 1908 : the end of accommodation / David Levering Lewis
January 1, 1913 : the routine arrest that launched a revolution / Geoffrey C. Ward
June 20, 1917 : the great demand / Nancy F. Cott
July 20, 1925 : the Scopes trial : Darrow v. Bryan / Alan Brinkley
May 22, 1933 : Harry Hopkins brings relief / Linda Gordon
April 2, 1943 : testing America / Nicholas Lemann
July 25, 1945 : "the most terrible bomb in the history of the world" / John W. Dower
September 19, 1946 : the president learns about civil rights / William E. Leuchtenburg
May 3, 1948 : Hollywood at the crossroads / Ann Douglas
January 17, 1961 : a farewell to arms / Douglas Brinkley
June 21, 1961 : the decision to publish Kuhn / David A. Hollinger
July 28, 1965 : end of an era, start of a war / David Kaiser
January 14, 1967 : the human be-in / David Farber
July 12, 1967 : days of rage : the life and death of Newark / Kenneth T. Jackson
November 22, 1971 : Sally Reed demands equal treatment / Linda K. Kerber
June 14, 1973 : the battle over biotechnology / Daniel J. Kevles.

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