TY - BOOK CN - Y 4.EN 2: CN - KF26 CY - Washington : DA - 2002. ID - 261982 LK - http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS17784 LK - http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS17785 N1 - Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. N1 - Shipping list no.: 2002-0112-P. N1 - "Printed for the use of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources." PB - U.S. G.P.O. : PB - For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., [Congressional Sales Office], PP - Washington : PY - 2002. SN - 0160667615 T1 - Harold Craig Manson nomination :hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session on the nomination of Harold Craig Manson to be Assistant Secretary for Fish [i.e. and] Wildlife, and Parks, Department of the Interior, October 3, 2001. TI - Harold Craig Manson nomination :hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session on the nomination of Harold Craig Manson to be Assistant Secretary for Fish [i.e. and] Wildlife, and Parks, Department of the Interior, October 3, 2001. UR - http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS17784 UR - http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS17785 VL - 107-243 ER -