

Xena, Warrior Princess
The baby, the mother, and the empire: Xena as ancient hero / Alison Futrell
Tall, dark, and dangerous: Xena, the quest, and the wielding of sexual violence in Xena on-line fan fiction / Helen Caudill
Love is the battlefield: the making and the unmaking of the just warrior in Xena, Warrior Princess / Kathleen Kennedy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The female just warrior reimagined: from Boudicca to Buffy / Frances Early
"If you're not enjoying it, you're doing something wrong": textual and viewer constructions of Faith, the Vampire Slayer / Sue Tjardes
"Action, chicks, everything": on-line interviews with male fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Lee Parpart
Buffy? she's like me, she's not like
she's Rad / Vivian Chin
La femme Nikita
"The most powerful weapon you have": warriors and gender in La femme Nikita / Laura Ng
Star trek: Voyager
We who are Borg, are we Borg? / Edrie Sobstyl.

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