

pt. 1. What are the origins of extraordinary human evil?
A place called Mauthausen
The nature of extraordinary human evil
"Nits make lice"
Killers of conviction: groups, ideology, and extraordinary evil
Dovey's story
The "mad Nazi": psychopathology, personality, and extraordinary evil
The massacre at Babi Yar
The dead end of demonization
The invasion Dili
pt. 2. Beyond demonization: how ordinary people commit extraordinary evil
A model of extraordinary human evil
What is the nature of human nature? Our ancestral shadow
The Tonle Sap massacre
Who are the killers? Identities of the perpetrators
Death of a Guatemalan village
What is the immediate social context? A culture of cruelty
The church of Ntamara
Who is the "other"? Social death of the victims
The "safe area" of Srebrenica
pt. 3. What have we learned and why does it matter?
Can we be delivered from extraordinary evil?

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