Linked e-resources


Parental behavior, family processes, and child development in nontraditional and traditionally understudied families / Michael E. Lamb
Maternal and dual-earner employment : family environment, adaptations, and the developmental implemental perspective / Adele Eskeles Gottfried, Allen W. Gottfried, Kay Bathurst & Colleen Killian
Nonparental child care / Michael E. Lamb
Primary caregiving fathers / Graeme Russell
The consequences of father absence / Sara McLanahan & Julien Teitler
Noncustodial parents / Ross A. Thompson & Deborah J. Laible
The effects of divorce and custody arrangements on children's behavior, development, and adjustment / Michael E. Lamb, Kathleen J. Sternberg, & Ross A. Thompson
Stepfamilies / E. Mavis Hetherington & Margaret M. Stanley-Hagan
Adoptive families / Harold D. Grotevant & Julie K. Kohler
Families headed by lesbian and gay parents / Charlotte J. Patterson & Raymond W. Chan
Black families in intergenerational and cultural perspective / Vivian L. Gadsden
Latino families / Birgit Leyendecker & Michael E. Lamb
Multiracial families / Paul C. Rosenblatt
Struggling to make ends meet : poverty and child development / Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Pia Rebello Britto & Christy Brady
Violent families / Kathleen J. Sternberg & Michael E. Lamb
The families of neglected children / Howard Dubowitz.

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