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Prologue to the American edition. The Cold War continues ... The Nairobi and Dar es Salaam attacks
An American friend at the Palace of Nations
Islamism versus Arab nationalism
The mercenaries of globalization
The CIA's "Afghans" and their networks
Osama bin Laden, our man in Kandahar
The Muslim Brothers' holy (and financial) war
Is there a pilot onboard the U.S. aircraft?
Making good use of "low-intensity conflicts"
The privatization of U.S. foreign policy
Islamism and Zionism : complementary enemies
Iran, the Great Satan's alibi
Why Saudi Arabia finances Islamism
The Taleban, mercenaries of the American oil companies
Behind the Luxor Massacre, bin Laden's "Afghans"
Islamist deal-making and organized crime
Afghanistan and Sudan are the wrong targets
Islamism as confrontation
The CIA at the negotiating table.

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