

Poverty, social exclusion and social polarisation: the need to construct an international welfare state / Peter Townsend
Is rising income inequality inevitable? A critique of the 'Transatlantic consensus' / Tony Atkinson
The international measurement of poverty and anti-poverty policies / David Gordon
Social policy in the US: workfare and the American low-wage labour market / S.M. Miller and Jeanette E. Markle
A European definition of poverty: the fight against poverty and social exclusion in the member states of the European Union / Bernd Schulte
Welfare state solidarity and support: the Czech Republic compared with the Netherlands / Tomáš Sirovátka, Wim van Oorschot and Ladislav Rabušic
Targeting welfare: on the functions and dysfunctions of means tasting in social policy / Wim van Oorschot
Structural adjustment and mass poverty in Ghana / Kwabena Donkor
Social funds in sub-Saharan Africa: how effective for poverty reduction? / Nazneen Kanji
Urban water supply, sanitation and social policy: lessons from Johannesburg, South Africa / Jo Beall, Owen Crankshaw and Susan Parnell
Round pegs and square holes: mismatches between poverty and housing policy in urban India / Sunil Kumar
Urban poverty in China: incidence and policy responses / Athar Hussain
'A new branch can be strengthened by an old branch': livelihoods and challenges to inter-generational solidarity in South Africa / Jo Beall
Human rights, transnational corporations and the World Bank / Peter Townsend
Are we really reducing global poverty? / Jan Vandemoortele
1% of 10,000 billion pounds / Tony Atkinson
Conclusion: constructing an anti-poverty strategy / Peter Townsend and David Gordon

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