TY - GEN AB - An adaptation of the 14th century poem, Gawain and the Grene Knight, which raises a number of questions about human virtue and imperfectibility in Gawain's quest to keep his word and prove his worthiness. AU - Phillips, John Michael. AU - Rudkin, David, AU - Storry, Malcolm. AU - Gogan, Valerie. AU - Durr, Jason. AU - Warren, Marc. CN - PR2065.G31 CN - PR2065.G31 CY - Princeton, N.J. : DA - c2002. ID - 273391 KW - Gawain (Legendary character) N1 - Videodisc release of the 1991 British television production by Thames Television. N2 - An adaptation of the 14th century poem, Gawain and the Grene Knight, which raises a number of questions about human virtue and imperfectibility in Gawain's quest to keep his word and prove his worthiness. PB - Films for the Humanities & Sciences, PP - Princeton, N.J. : PY - c2002. T1 - Gawain and the green knight TI - Gawain and the green knight ER -