

The language of gender
Gender dysphoria and etiological theories
The families of transgendered people
The need for training
Part I: Theoretical understandings of transgenderism
Chapter 1. The transsexual phenomenon meets the transexual [sic] menace
Compassionate and controversial treatment of transsexuals
The mental health professional as gatekeeper
Clinical guidelines
therapeutic standards of care
Chapter 2. The legacy: gender variance in history
The historical legacy
Medical science and gender variance
Chapter 3. Deconstructing sex and gender: thinking outside the box
Four components of identity
Deconstructing the assumptions of sexual identity
Part II: Diagnosis and assessment
Chapter 4. Etiologies: causes and categories
Etiological theories: nature and nurture
essentially constructed
Categorical classifications: if the shoe doesn't fit
force it
Chapter 5. Diagnosis and transgenderism: the creation of pathology
The power of diagnosis
Gender as pathological diagnosis
Part III: Treatment issues
Chapter 6. Learning to listen to gender narratives
Mental health issues and transgenderism
Clients seeking therapy
Transgender narratives
Therapist as midwife: the birth of story
Chapter 7. Transgender emergence: a developmental process
Coming out
Transgender emergence
Chapter 8. Family emergence
Partners, spouses, and significant others
Developmental stages for family members
Families coping with transgenderism
TransParents see
Chapter 9. Transgendered children and youth
Treatment, prevention, and parental rights
Families with gender-variant children
Gender variance and progressive treatments
Transgender emergence
step-by-step maturation
Chapter 10. The treatment of intersexed people: time for a new paradigm
Assigning sex and the modern medical protocols
Creating psychosocial emergency
Standards of humane treatment for intersexed people.

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