

Will managed care improve health care in the United States?
Should health care for the elderly be rationed?
Does employer-based health insurance provide adequate coverage for most Americans?
Is the pharmaceutical industry responsible for the high cost of prescription drugs?
Is drug testing vital to the workplace?
Should doctors ever help terminally ill patients to commit suicide?
Should the government regulate the sale, advertisement, and distribution of junk food?
Should race play a role in the treatment and study of disease?
Should human cloning ever be permitted?
Should addiction to drugs be labeled a brain disease?
Is stress responsible for disease?
Can spirituality overcome illness?
Does abortion increase the risk of breast cancer?
Does health care delivery and research benefit men at the expense of women?
Is gun control a public health issue?
Should parents be allowed to opt out of vaccinating their children?
Does anabolic steroid use cause serious health problems for athletes?
Is marijuana dangerous and addictive?
Does multiple-chemical sensitivity pose a serious health threat?
Is the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet a valid weight-loss plan?
Should alternative medicine be combined with conventional medicine?

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