

The qualitative study of presidential personality / Fred I. Greenstein
Political leadership: some methodological considerations / Betty Glad
Motivation and political leadership / David Winter
U.S. presidents as conflict managers: the operational codes of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton / Mark Schafer, Michael D. Young, and Stephen G. Walker
Motive imagery and integrative complexity: Bill Clinton, George Mitchell, and the Northern Ireland peace talks / Linda O. Valenty and Mary E. Carroll
The political personality of U.S. president George W. Bush / Aubrey Immelman
Assessments of America's chief executives: insights from biographers and objective personality measures / Steven J. Rubenzer, Thomas R. Faschingbauer, and Deniz S. Ones
Studying images and their impact on behavior: the case of the Carter Administration / Jerel Rosati
John F. Kennedy as dramatic leader / Robert E. Gilbert
Cloak and swagger: personality and leadership in the vice presidency of Spiro T. Agnew / Scott W. Webster
Governing a divided America in the new millennium: heroic versus reflective leadership / Stanley A. Renshon.

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