

from Renascence and other poems (1917): Renascence; Interim; Afternoon on a hill; Witch-wife; When the year grows old; "Time does not bring relief, you all have lied"; "If I should learn, in some quite casual way"; Bluebird
from A few figs from thistles (1920): First fig; Second fig; Recuerdo; To the not impossible him; Grown-up; Daphne; Midnight oil; Philosopher; "I think I should have loved you presently"; "I shall forget you presently, my dear"
from Second April (1921): Eel-grass; Elegy before death; Weeds; Passer mortuus est; Alms; Inland; Ebb
from Memorial to D.C.: I. Epitaph; IV. Dirge; V. Elegy; "Only until this cigarette is ended:' "Once more into my arid days like dew"; "When I too long have looked upon your face"; "And you as well must die, beloved dust"; "As to some lovely temple, tenantless"; Wild swans
from The Harp-weaver and other poems (1923): Autumn chant; Feast; Betrothall; Ballad of the harp-weaver; Never may the fruit be plucked; Hyacinth; To one who might have borne a message; "Love is not blind. I see with single eye"; "Pity me not because the light of day"; "Here is a wound that never will heal, I know"; "Your face is like a chamber where a king"; "I, being born a woman and distressed"; "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why"
from The buck in the snow (1928): To the wife of a sick friend; To a friend estanged from me; Buck in the snow; Lethe
Aria de Capo (1921)
from The King's Henchman (1927): Aelfrida's song; Love scene
Translations from Flowers of evil / Charles Baudelaire (1936): Fang; Parisian Dream; Old servant
Fatal interview (1931)
from Wine from these grapes (1934): Valentine; In the grave no flower; On the wide heath
from Conversation at midnight (1937): "Thus are our altars polluted, nor may we flee"
from Huntsman, what quarry? (1939): Snow storm; Not so far as the forest; Two voices
from Make bright the arrows (1940): "Make bright the arrows"; Eclipse of the sun is predicted;
from The Murder of Lidice (1942): "They marched them out to the public square"
from Mine the Harvest (1954): Small hands, relinquish all; Ragged Island; Dream of Saba.

