

Hmong American masculinities : creating new identities in the U.S. / Stacey J. Lee
Frames of self : capturing working class British boys' identities through photographs / Barbara M. Walker
Boys in men's clothing : racial socialization and neighborhood safety as buffers to hypervulnerability in African American adolescent males / Howard C. Stevenson
A relational perspective on boys' identity development / Judy Y. Chu
Psychological well-being, school adjustment, and problem behavior among Chinese adolescent boys from poor families : does family functioning matter? / Daniel T.L. Shek
Experiences of trust with parents : a qualitative investigation of African American, Latino, and Asian American boys from low-income families / Elena D. Jeffries and Niobe Way
The role of father support in the prediction of suicidal ideation among black adolescent males / Darian B. Tarver ... [et al.]
Peer relationships among Chinese boys : a cross-cultural perspective
Xinyin Chen ... [et al.]
Intimacy, desire, and betrayal in the friendships of adolescent boys / Niobe Way
The influence of peer experiences on bravado attitudes among African American males / Michael Cunningham and Leah Newkirk Meunier
Boys-on-boy sexuality / Ritch C. Savin-Williams
Getting close, staying cool : early adolescent boys' experiences with romantic relationships / Deborah L. Tolman ... [et al.]
Adolescent boys' heterosexual behavior / Joseph H. Pleck, Freya L. Sonenstein, and Leighton Ku
Immigrant boys' experiences in U.S. schools / Carola Suárez-Orozco and Desirée Baolian Qin-Hilliard
Understanding the exceptions : how small schools support the achievement of academically successful black boys / Gilberto Q. Conchas and Pedro A. Noguera
From preschool to middle-school : the role of masculinity in low-income urban adolescent boys' literacy skills and academic achievement / Michelle V. Porche, Stephanie J. Ross, and Catherine E. Snow.

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