Table of Contents
Introduction: induced abortion in a changing world / John C. Caldwell, Pat Caldwell
Abortion: a worldwide overview / Susheela Singh, Stanley K. Henshaw, Kathleen Berentsen
The challenge of induced abortion research: transdisciplinary perspectives / Axel I. Mundigo
Demographic research and abortion policy: limits to the use of statistics / Andrzej Kulczycki
Kutoa Mimba: debates about schoolgirl abortion in Machame, Tanzania / Amy Stambach
Cleaning the belly: managing menstrual health in Guinea, West Africa / Eleise Levin
Changing assessments of abortion in a northern Nigerian town / Elisha P. Renne
The role of local herbs in the recent fertility decline in Ghana: contraceptives or abortifacients? / John K. Anarfi
Menstrual regulation in Bangladesh / Sajeda Amin
The impact of reproductive health policy changes on fertility, abortion, and contraceptive use in Romania / Florina Serbanescu, Leo Morris, Paul Stupp
Determinants of abortion and contraceptive behavior in Russia / Inge Hutter
Abortion legislation in Mexico in the face of a changing sociodemographic and political context / Susana Lerner, Guadalupe Salas
The role of pharmacists and market herb vendors as abortifacient providers in Mexico City / Susan Pick ... [et al.]
The social pressure to abort / Chantal Blayo, Yves Blayo
Concluding remarks: the role of ambiguity / Alaka Malwade Basu.
Abortion: a worldwide overview / Susheela Singh, Stanley K. Henshaw, Kathleen Berentsen
The challenge of induced abortion research: transdisciplinary perspectives / Axel I. Mundigo
Demographic research and abortion policy: limits to the use of statistics / Andrzej Kulczycki
Kutoa Mimba: debates about schoolgirl abortion in Machame, Tanzania / Amy Stambach
Cleaning the belly: managing menstrual health in Guinea, West Africa / Eleise Levin
Changing assessments of abortion in a northern Nigerian town / Elisha P. Renne
The role of local herbs in the recent fertility decline in Ghana: contraceptives or abortifacients? / John K. Anarfi
Menstrual regulation in Bangladesh / Sajeda Amin
The impact of reproductive health policy changes on fertility, abortion, and contraceptive use in Romania / Florina Serbanescu, Leo Morris, Paul Stupp
Determinants of abortion and contraceptive behavior in Russia / Inge Hutter
Abortion legislation in Mexico in the face of a changing sociodemographic and political context / Susana Lerner, Guadalupe Salas
The role of pharmacists and market herb vendors as abortifacient providers in Mexico City / Susan Pick ... [et al.]
The social pressure to abort / Chantal Blayo, Yves Blayo
Concluding remarks: the role of ambiguity / Alaka Malwade Basu.