

Lacan's turn to Freud / Jean-Michel Rabaté
Mirror stage : an obliterated archive / Elisabeth Roudinesco
Lacan's myths / Darian Leader
Lacan's science of the subject : between linguistics and topology / Dany Nobus
From the letter to the matheme : Lancan's scientific methods / Bernard Burgoyne
Paradoxes of the symptom in psychoanalysis / Colette Soler
Desire and jouissance in the teachings of Lacan / Néstor Braunstein
Lacan and philosophy / Charles Shepherdson.

Lacan's Marxism, Marxism's Lacan (from Ẑiẑek to Althusser) / Joe Valente
Ethics and tragedy in Lacan / Alenka Zupanĉiĉ
Lacanian approach to the logic of perversion / Judith Feher-Gurewich
What is a Lacanian clinic? / Diana Rabinovich
Beyond the phallus : Lacan and feminism / Deborah Luepnitz
Lacan and queer theory / Tim Dean
Lacan's afterlife : Jacques Lacan meets Andy Warhol / Catherine Liu.

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