

"Not fitted to make converts"
"To rescue the government and public liberty"
"No opposition man can be elected President"
"We have many recruits in our ranks from the pressure of the times"
"Harrison and prosperity or Van Buren and ruin"
"The Whig Party seems now totally broken up and dismembered"
"The Whigs are in high spirits"
"The present administration are your best recruiting officers"
"The contest for President should be regarded as a contest of principles"
"We must have the aid of gunpowder"
"Stimulate every Whig to turn out"
"Many discordant political interests to reconcile"
"Patronage is a dangerous element of power"
"The slavery excitement seems likely to obliterate party lines"
"The long agony is over"
"God save us from Whig vice presidents"
"Fillmore is precisely the man for the occasion"
"Webster is now engaged in strenuous efforts to secure the succession"
"Scott & Scott alone is the man for the emergency"
"Like pissing against the wind"
"This Nebraska business will entirely denationalize the Whig Party"
"The Whig Party, as a party, are entirely disbanded"
"Confusion worse confounded"
"Let then, the Whig Party pass"
"The Whig Party is dead and buried".

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