

A great betrayal ; The lies of old ; The case for civil disobedience ; Crime against humanity ; The unthinkable is becoming normal / John Pilger
War is sell / Laura Miller, John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton
Brainscrubbing: the failures of U.S. public diplomacy after 9/11 / Nancy Snow
Misreporting war has a long history / Des Freedman
Psychological warfare against the public: Iraq and beyond / Mark Curtis
The propaganda machine / David Miller
History or bunkum? / Philip Knightley
Spies and lies / Stephen Dorril
No blood for oil? / Andy Rowell.

The minute it's made up, you'll hear about it / Mark Steel
Reporting the war on British television / Justin Lewis and Rod Brookes
9/11, spectacles of terror, and media manipulation / Douglas Kellner
"Look, I'm an American" / Norman Solomon
"Let the atrocious images haunt us" / Julian Petley
Normalising godfatherly aggression / Edward Herman
Little Ali and other rescued children / Patricia Holland.

Watchdogs or lapdogs?: media, politics, and regulation: the US experience / Granville Williams
The BBC: a personal account / Abdul Hadi Jiad
Mass deception: how the media helped the government deceive the people / David Edwards and David Cromwell
Covering the Middle East: an interview with Robert Fisk
Why the BBC ducks the Palestinian story / Tim Llewellyn.

Black holes of history: public understanding and the shaping of our past / Greg Philo and Maureen Gilmour
Al Jazeera's war / Faisal Bodi
Target the media / Tim Gopsill
Turning my back on the mainstream / Yvonne Ridley
Inside the system: anti-war activism in the media / David Crouch
Disruptive technology: Iraq and the Internet / Alistair Alexander
The anti-war movement: Noam Chomsky interviewed by Matthew Tempest.

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