

Part One: A brief history
What the hell is a weblog and why won't they leave me alone? : a personal opinion / Derek M. Powazek
Weblogs : a history and perspective / Rebecca Blood
Here come the weblogs / Jon Katz
Anatomy of a weblog ; More about weblogs / Cameron Barrett
Why I weblog : a rumination on where the hell I'm going with this website / Brad L. Graham
Part Two: Meet the bloggers
We didn't start the weblogs [a song to the tune of Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire"] / Nikolai Nolan
You've got blog : how to put your business, your boyfriend, and your life online / Rebecca Mead
Deconstructing "You've got blog" / Joe Clark
Portrait of the blogger as a young man / Julian Dibbell
State of the blog. Part 1 : blogger past ; Part 2 : blogger present ; Part 3 : blogger future / Giles Turnbull
Kaycee Nicole (Swenson) FAQ / Adam Geitgey
In the trenches with a weblog pioneer : an interview with the force behind Eatonweb, Brigitte F. Eaton / John S. Rhodes
Part Three: Blog, blog, blog
Been "blogging"? Web discourse hits higher level / Glenn Fleishman
Linking 1-2-3 / Lawrence Lee
Internet is not killing off conversation but actively encouraging it / Douglas Rushkoff
Credo of the web log writer / GeekMan at
Blogger code / Ron Yeany
Weblogs (good God y'all) what are they good for (absolutely nothing, say it again) / Neale Talbot
Part Four: Advice
Four noble truths of blogging / Fishrush
Blogma 2001. Missive one : uphold the weblog ; Missive two : further matters, and some clarifications / BLOGMA 2001 Committee
Weblogging : lessons learned / Kulesh Shanmugasundaram
Libera manifesto / Chris Pirillo
Ten tips for building a bionic weblog / Metascene
Put the keyboard down and back away from the weblog / Neale Talbot
Part Five: Weblogs vs. traditional journalism
Blogging as a form of journalism : weblogs offer a vital, creative outlet for alternative voices ; Weblogs : a new source of news / J.D. Lasica
Blogged down in the PR machine : publicists diss niche queries for now, citing time constraints / Jordan Raphael
Let slip the blogs of war / Tim Cavanaugh
Part Six: Community
Building an online community : just add water / Matt Haughey
Good links vs. good discussion : a MetaFilter discussion /

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