

Catastrophism: The Story of its Decline and Fall ... and Resurrection
From prehistory to 1899: Catastrophism dominates for centuries, but then gives way to gradualism
Mythology, religion and catastrophism
Hutton: fact and fiction about the origins of modern gradualism
Cuvier and Lamarck: choosing between extinction and evolution
Natural theology and Noah's Flood: the high-water mark of catastrophism
Catastrophism, uniformitarianism and idealist philosophy
Lyell triumphant: gradualism dominates geology
Darwin and evolution
After the Origin: the triumph of evolutionary gradualism
From 1900 to 1979: Gradualism reigns supreme
Neo-Darwinism: the Modern Synthesis
Phyletic gradualism
Gradualist perceptions of human evolution
Heretical catastrophists
Atlantis: rational and irrational theories of a 'lost' civilisation
Evolutionary mass extinctions and neocatastrophism
Punctuated equilibrium: a new evolutionary perspective

Human evolution: gradual or punctuational?
From 1980 to the present day: Catastrophism strikes back
Evolution evolving
Into the new millennium: evolution today
Chaos in the Solar System
Catastrophes on Earth
The death of the dinosaurs: iridium and the K-T extinctions
The continuing K-T debate
Mass extinctions and the course of evolution
Catastrophes and the History of Life on Earth
Extinctions large and small
Cyclic processes and mass extinctions
The uncertain origins of humankind
Ice ages in the Pleistocene epoch
Modern views of Atlantis
Natural catastrophes and the rise and fall of civilisations

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