@article{289699, recid = {289699}, author = {Schrecker, Ellen.}, title = {Cold War triumphalism : the misuse of history after the fall of communism /}, publisher = {New Press :}, address = {New York :}, pages = {vi, 359 p. ;}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Publisher's description: "Liberals lie about Reagan's victory because when Reagan won the Cold War, he proved them wrong on everything they had done and said throughout the Cold War. It is their last defense to fifty years of treason." -Ann Coulter. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, conservatives have seized on the collapse of Communist states to argue more generally for the shortcomings of the Left. Having declared victory in the Cold War, the ideologues of the Right have turned to rewriting the history of that struggle, seeking to undo a generation of critical scholarship on America's rise to global dominance after World War II. In its stead, they have tried to install an unabashedly triumphalist account of the course of American history and foreign policy, which culminates in the unqualified defeat of alternatives to a capitalist, free-market, and U.S.-dominated world. Cold War Triumphalism assembles some of the nation's leading historians of U.S. foreign policy, American history, and the Cold War period, to counter and dissect this new virulent strain of right-wing dogma, exposing its historical and ideological roots in the political struggles of the Cold War period. At a time when the issue of America's role in the world is at the forefront-and when the Right has renewed its assault on progressive values-Cold War Triumphalism will be essential for an understanding of American political ideas in the twenty-first century.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/289699}, }