

Containing East Germany in the early 1950s. Constructing the diplomatic blockade
East German "sovereignty" and the western response
Staving off collapse. A shifting landscape : Geneva and Moscow
The blockade slips
The Bonn Ambassadors' Conference
"Managed relationships" and the isolation campaign
Yugoslavia crosses the line. Grasping for openings
Damascus, but not Warsaw
A failure of deterrence
The Hallstein Doctrine
Scrambling for Africa. Otto Grotewohl's journey
Doubts and hesitations : the Berlin crisis
Bonn's counteroffensive
Guinea : the exception that proved the rule
Development aid and the Hallstein Doctrine : a trajectory of disillusionment. Bonn's billion-dollar aid program
The shock of the Belgrade Conference
Experiments in economic leverage
The perils of detente. De Gaulle, detente, and the "policy of movement"
Planning the breakthrough
"New measures" in Ceylon and Zanzibar
The apex of West German vigilance
The peculiar longevity of a discredited doctrine. The debacle : West Germany's expulsion from the Arab world
The contest goes on
Unification hysteria and Erhard's political demise
Of two minds : the grand coalition and the problem of recognition
The Ulbricht doctrine
The coalition "cambodes"
A qualified breakthrough
The halting progress of a German Sisyphus
A war within a war
The Hallstein Doctrine and German unity.

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