

"Fundamental" rights versus state interests: the balancing process. "I am not talking very much like a lawyer"
The U.S. Supreme court and "fundamental" rights
The liberty and rights protected by the Due Process Clause
Is there a protected liberty interest for persons having intimate homosexual relations?
The limits of sexual privacy. Marriage and marital privacy. "I should like to suggest a substantial change for your consideration"
Heterosexual marriage
Molecular changes in the definition and reality of the traditional marital relationship
The dilemma of intimate violence and congressional passage of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), 1994
Same-sex marriage
Congressional passage of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 1996. The "rhapsody of the unitary family". "Something smells about this case"
Who is family?
Family privacy versus state interests
Family privacy rights versus personal autonomy and other constitutional rights. Motherhood or not, that is her decision. "I will be God-damned!"
Not having children: abortion as a personal right
After Roe, what are the limits of "state actions" that regulate the abortion procedure?
After Roe, what are a husband's rights?
When a minor daughter wants to terminate her pregnancy
Back into the vortex: the "partial birth" abortion controversy. Raising the child: "father knows best"?. "This is really a ridiculous case to be absorbing our time"
Raising and educating children
The mental and physical health and welfare of the child
Children's rights: visiting the grandparents. "Let me go!": death in the family. "This case should never have been started"
Terminating life support for an incompetent family member: passive euthanasia
Physician-assisted suicide: active euthanasia. Family and personal privacy in the twenty-first century. "She kept screaming"
Is the house still a castle?
The "medical necessity" exception and federal anti-marijuana-use law.

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